Sunday, September 7, 2008

Each of Us Has a Piece of the Puzzle. What's Yours?

In January 2007, I attended a Harv Eker seminar called "Life Directions Intensive." That was exactly where I needed to be at that point in my life. It was there that I put together various pieces of my life and discovered that I had a passion, a mission: "Awakening Teens to Their Magnificence and Power, Creating Bold New Futures" - and I created Serendipity West Foundaton to forward bringing programs such as Challenge Day to the schools of Central Oregon.

I wrote in my notes that weekend at the seminar: "Each of us has a piece of the puzzle" but I didn't write down the rest of whatever was said - it was something like "once you put your piece in place, a thousand others can be placed."

Lately I've been able to attribute the first part to Lillian Smith, but I've not discovered the rest of the words she might have said.

This has become one of my favorite phrases to share with others. It's true, you know, that we each really do have a piece of the bigger puzzle of life. Sometimes we don't find out what it is until later in life, or, like me, much later in life.

It is my desire to share thoughts and ideas that will cause others to come to learn, if they don't yet believe it to be true, that they ARE remarkable and they CAN cause remarkable things to occur in their own and in other's lives.

Would you join me on this journey?

1 comment:

Dusty Niles said...

Each of us does have our own unique piece to offer. It is our gift to the world. When we discover our own piece of the puzzle we are finally paying ATTENTION TO OURSELVES. When we take the time to reflect on our own unique colors and shape we automatically provide good to others. We connect with our community when we connect with ourselves. Carol's passion for "Challenge Day" is awesome! I encourage everyone to discover what it is that they have to offer,because no matter what it is very very very important and the world needs you.

Life is way to awesome, to sit back and watch it go by as spectator. The gift you have to offer the world is also your hearts desire and this bring you all the joy, peace and abundance that you can handle.

Thank you to Carol for starting a blog that, by simply raising the question you did, the celebration of spirit can begin to manifest.